Tuesday, November 6, 2007

TSL, Head and Shoulder bottom as well.

Another pattern I came across on tsl is the H&S bottom with the neckline at $64.5. This is the moment of truth, it clears 64.5 we go much higher it fails we see profits disappear quickly.


zstock7.com said...

DEC 20
Hi Zues
can you beleive that JBX can return 33% on your money, if and when JBX gets back to it's 200 day...
It's true...I sat down and calculated it...!!!...



on another note, I thought I was only getting ten visitors a day, cause that's what Google's profile veiwer said...
and then I put a bean counter on the Blog, and found out I'm really getting a whopping 250 visitors a day....


I posted the RIMM JAN strangle...
and everyone jumped on that at beannies, today...JAN 125 call, and JAN 85 put...well you can imagine, everyone is just thrilled to death, cause it's looking like a 115% profit....


I sure wish i Knew where you post comments during the day....
You are one of the good ones...that’s for certain....

zstock7.com said...

hi zues
i'm shorting TRN,RAIL,and GBX---for a quick buck---

zstock7.com said...

where are you?

zstock7.com said...

zues where did you go?
are you retired?

Anonymous said...

Zee you are funny. I am right here. too busy trading I guess.

zstock7.com said...

hey Zues, haha__
My blog is going subscription.
I'm at over 100 readers a day. I'll be charging 2.95 a month. haha__
Sept blog trading record 75 wins 6 losses
Oct, first week, I've lost every day on my longs, ( one long a day) but my puts ( 3 puts a day) keep working.
We'll glad to see you still trading...

zstock7.com said...

When are you going to start blogging again?
I put your site up on my sidebar. Maybe you'll get some trading questions from some newbie traders. You never know?